Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Ack! I forgot to post my Valentine's Day outfit.  It was a crazy cold day and that explains all of the layers and I wore my favorite scarf as a cape, because, you know, I can.
All in all, good day, good outfit.

Monthly Self Portraits: February

Here is my February self portrait.  I call it "In motion, going nowhere"

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

New Dress, New Possibilities

I just got this dress and I love it.  What I like most about this dress is how versatile it is.  I could wear it all year round with some simple layering.  I could dress it up or dress it down and the length is modest, making it very work appropriate...not that a short hem has ever stopped me before...

The outfit that I've created for today is a little boring, but it's colder than a witch's tit and my main concern right now is coverage.  I am excited to play around with this dress when the weather gets nicer.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

20s Style

Similar hat
Similar earrings - Poppy

I've said over and over to myself that in order to be happy, I need to eliminate all drop waist dresses from my wardrobe.  Then there came along this little number and everything I thought I knew about myself went right out the window.
Just kidding.  I really do think that drop waist dresses are unflattering on women with curves and I try to avoid them, but this dress is amazing.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Similar earrings

Today I dressed in sweaters.  Sweater on my torso, sweater on my legs, sweater on my head.

Now finish up them taters.  I'm gonna go fondle my sweaters.

Awkward Pieces

Similar earrings

Three of these garments have been languishing in my closet unworn for quite some time.
The Skirt
 I own several knee length pleated skirts, but never wear them.  They are all dark in color and the fabric is heavy weight, making me think of them as winter skirts.  What types of shoes do I wear in the winter?  Boots.  What type of shoes look good with knee length pleated skirts?  Not boots, that's for sure.  I envision this style of skirt to be worn with pumps or maybe ballet flats.  I bought these skirts and used to wear them a lot when I worked at Restoration Hardware, where I was required to dress up and could wear pumps at work.  Now I hardly ever wear pumps because my job entails unloading trucks and carrying around heavy boxes, rather than deflecting advances from old men who buy ridiculously expensive housewares for their new condo on Summit.  OK, so that wasn't in the job description, but that's pretty much what I did all day.
The Sweater
Seems too young for me.  Maybe it's because it's from Forever 21 (never stopped me before).  Maybe it's the plastic crystal ball buttons.  I don't know, but I always skip past it when going through my closet because I think "That's so 10 years ago"
The T-shirt
How I used to love vintage graphic tees in my early 20s!  This one was given to me by my friend's mom when she was cleaning out her house.  It's about 3 sizes too small and has a stain on the lower half of it, but I love it.  I've always worn it underneath another garment like a jumper or cardigan to cover up the obvious reasons why this shirt is not meant for me.  Lately, I've been thinking that it's time to move on.

The reason for this outfit and this post is because I am on the fence about all 3 garments.  Do I hold onto them or do I donate them?  I managed to make a decent outfit utilizing all 3, but all day I felt like I wasn't dressed as my current self.  I was dressed as me 10 years ago.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

RIP Delia's

I am seriously sad that Delia's is going out of business.  I'm also seriously sad that I didn't know soon enough to get my hands on as many pairs of their Morgan pants as I could.  I know, I'm too old to shop at Delia's and that's mostly true.  I've been a customer since the 7th grade and I tend to be a loyal customer, but my style no longer aligns with their aesthetic.  I do, however own and regularly wear 4 pairs of their Morgan pants.  They are perfect mid-rise, straight leg, basic pants and I'm sad that I won't be able to buy more in the future when my current pairs wear thin.
And I'm pretty sure that's hoarder mentality.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Monthly Self Portraits

I mentioned in a previous post that I spent 2010 drawing a self portrait every month.  This is true.  Each month, I would pick an art material, take an hour or two, and draw or paint my mug. It was fun, but it also grew tiresome.  In May, I was so sick of my face that I drew my legs and that's OK.  I thought I might do this for the rest of my life and have a unique record of my personal growth, be it physical and artistic.  That didn't happen.  But with some urging from my mother, I decided to take it up again.  So, five years later, I present to you my January self portrait.

 January 2015

It looks kind of distorted and like I'm about to cry because this January I feel kind of distorted and like I'm always on the verge of tears.  It was a rough month.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Comfy Casual Cool

Similar necklace - BYMN

This is what I wore when all I wanted to wear were pajamas, but I needed to look presentable enough to grab a glass of wine with a friend.  Success!

Monday, February 2, 2015

1960s Doppelgangers

 I've always felt like I was born in the wrong era.  I'm not a millenial.  I'm old fashioned.  I love vintage style.  I just never felt like I belonged here.  In reality, I'm glad that I live in this day and age because I do appreciate the opportunities and advantages that I have and I know that I can still maintain a relationship with the past...or with my past self.

Is it just me, or does this 1960s fashion illustration bear a striking resemblance to yours truly?

  I believe in past lives and I take comfort in thinking that maybe another version of me did get to live through my favorite eras and that's why I'm so drawn to them in my current state.

Here's another example of a 1960s doppelganger.  Back in 2010, I did a project where I drew a self portrait every month for a whole year.
That spring, I did a couple of sketches out of a 1960s sewing magazine.

I know, for cute!

A couple months later in June, when looking through my sketchbook, I noticed that my drawing of this woman looked surprisingly like me.
This is mostly due to the fact that I had been drawing myself a lot at the time, but even if I hadn't been so focused on my own image, most people, when drawing somebody else tend to subconsciously adjust features to be more like their own because that's what they're familiar with.  I also changed the color of the shirt to be red instead of blue based on my own style preferences and I didn't indicate that she was blonde.  All of these subtle adjustments to make the drawing my own actually made it a drawing of me.
After five months of self-portraits, I was a little sick of drawing myself, so I said "perfect" and used it for my June self-portrait.

The one tell that this is not an actual drawing of me is the fact that she's wearing shorts.

While this isn't quite the same as a doppelganger because the actual model doesn't look like me, it's an example of how I identify with this era and subconsciously incorporate myself into it.

Anyone else feel drawn to a certain time in history?  Or have you ever found your doppelganger when looking through old photos or magazines or while watching old movies?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Friend Fashion Faux Pas

This dress is my latest find from my new favorite store Poppy.  They are currently having a clearance sale and I popped in hoping to find another one of those black spandex dresses that I adore at a discounted price.  They did not have the black dress, but they did have plenty of other cute items and I proceeded to go through the racks, filling my arms with beautiful frocks.  When I tried everything on, I discovered that this neon leopard print dress was the winner.  The print is adorable, the colors are lovely, the fit was perfect and I had to have it.  But, there was something nagging in the back of my mind...something about it...something oddly familiar.  Never mind, I shoved that feeling aside, I bought the dress and I wore it.  The next day, I told my best friend all about my new find and couldn't understand why her face slowly changed from interested to enraged.  Turns out she owns the same exact dress.  She bought it after I urged her to check out my new favorite store and then, like a jerk, I turned around and bought the same dress.  I realized that it seemed familiar to me because I had seen a snippet of the fabric in one of her instagram photos. 


This is one of those stereotypical girl nightmares.  We all want to be our own unique snowflake, but then our dreams get crushed when some other girl shows up to the party wearing your "one of a kind" dress.  It happens.  It happens to me all the time.  I have a co-worker with very similar tastes as I do.  In fact, we own the exact same pants and boots and often wear them on the same day.  It doesn't help that the pants are bright orange corduroys.  It's a bit conspicuous.  It doesn't bother me though.  I find it funny and a bit comforting.  It's as if we woke up and had this psychic communication saying "hey, I feel connected to you today, let's express it with our ensembles".  Or, maybe that's just me.

It's definitely just me because that is not how my best friend feels.  I thinks it's cute that we own the same dress, but I'm going to make a conscious effort to not wear it when I hang out with her.  With my vast and varied wardrobe, I think that's completely doable.