Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Blaze On!

Here's an outfit to brighten your day! I've been wearing a lot of this orange blazer this spring and I love it's versatility. Yes, this bright red/orange color is a staple in my wardrobe, but I'm constantly surprised at how many outfits it compliments. Orange jackets for the win!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How to Find Your Soulmate

I never knew that Kenny Rogers had a clothing line, but I'm really glad that he does. This shirt has a lot of extraneous snaps and it's amazing! Like, the front of the shirt has a pattern of just the outie half of the snap. I think that one day I will find a person wearing a Kenny Rogers shirt covered in innie snaps and we will become one.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Best. Outfit. Ever.

I'm gonna have to work this look into the rotation because boy did I look slick! I've been trying to style this yellow shell since I bought it this summer, but nothing was ever quite right. It's because this shade of yellow does nothing for my complexion. By breaking it up with a shirt collar and a statement necklace, I'm able to distract from how pale yellow makes me look ill and draw attention to how amazing this necklace is. Seriously, it's rad. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Garment Potential

I probably explain this every time I wear this skirt, but I'll say it again. This interesting and versatile skirt used to be a dress and when it was a dress, I didn't wear it very often. Now, I wear it frequently, during every season, and styled in many different ways. When I bought the dress, I loved it and knew it had potential. It took some time and a lot of guts to cut up a perfectly good garment, but once I made the alteration, I was so pleased with myself.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Horse Feet

People always get confused when I wear these legwarmers over my shoes. I think of it as makeshift spats. But, I get it, spats are confusing. Are they part of your shoes or are they part of your pants? OR are they an extension of your body?!? Do I have horse feet?
It's Friday, y'all and I'm feeling loopy. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Old Toddler

This look is very reminiscent of how I dressed in my early 20s. I would regularly pair men's vintage button ups with a shrunken cardigan and cuffed straight leg jeans. I also used to be obsessed with mary janes, however, in my early 20s, I would have worn this outfit with combat boots for a little extra kick. 
It's funny, I used to worry about getting stuck in a style rut. When I was 24, I was concerned that I would never outgrow my penchant for pigtails, babydoll dresses and knee high socks and that I would turn into some weird old lady who dresses like a toddler. These are the types of things that I worry about. 
Turns out, I grew out of pigtails because I realized that short hair suits me much better and the rest of my childlike style habits still exist, but I'm good at mixing them in with more age appropriate looks. I'm also fully aware of myself when I dress in a way that used to be my calling card, but I have since moved on from, like today. Hopefully that means that my style will continue to evolve as I age and I can stop worrying so much about my sartorial future.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mom Jeans

Say what you will about mom jeans, but whoa are they comfy. They have become my regular weekend wear and I also think I look kinda great in them. Who knows, maybe I'll look back on this in 10 years and say "What was I thinking?!" In the meantime I'll enjoy them while they're cool.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Closet Orphan

I've been trying for some time to successfully style this top and finally it came to me. It doesn't work as a top. Not on me anyway. It works much better layered over a dress so it looks like a peplum skirt. I love finding new uses for closet orphans.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Ethereal Style

There is something ethereal about this outfit that really makes me smile. Maybe it's the moonstone earrings or the pearly silk scarf or the delicate pink quartz necklace or the flowy nature of this dress. Or maybe it's all of those things combined with a natural pink and cream color palette. 
You guys, this one really floats my boat.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Cashmere Socks

These socks I'm wearing are literally the best thing I've ever encountered. I own 2 pairs and wish I had a dozen more. They're a lightweight cashmere crew sock with the softest most featheriest fur cuffs! I can't handle how comfy, cozy and cute they are!

A couple of years ago, I bought a pair of cashmere socks and ever since that first pair, I just can't get enough. I already had an obsession with socks and cashmere took it to a whole new level. I bought everyone in my office a pair of cashmere socks for Christmas just in case they had never had the pleasure. If you've never owned cashmere socks, do yourself a favor and get a pair.