Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Awkward Pieces

Similar earrings

Three of these garments have been languishing in my closet unworn for quite some time.
The Skirt
 I own several knee length pleated skirts, but never wear them.  They are all dark in color and the fabric is heavy weight, making me think of them as winter skirts.  What types of shoes do I wear in the winter?  Boots.  What type of shoes look good with knee length pleated skirts?  Not boots, that's for sure.  I envision this style of skirt to be worn with pumps or maybe ballet flats.  I bought these skirts and used to wear them a lot when I worked at Restoration Hardware, where I was required to dress up and could wear pumps at work.  Now I hardly ever wear pumps because my job entails unloading trucks and carrying around heavy boxes, rather than deflecting advances from old men who buy ridiculously expensive housewares for their new condo on Summit.  OK, so that wasn't in the job description, but that's pretty much what I did all day.
The Sweater
Seems too young for me.  Maybe it's because it's from Forever 21 (never stopped me before).  Maybe it's the plastic crystal ball buttons.  I don't know, but I always skip past it when going through my closet because I think "That's so 10 years ago"
The T-shirt
How I used to love vintage graphic tees in my early 20s!  This one was given to me by my friend's mom when she was cleaning out her house.  It's about 3 sizes too small and has a stain on the lower half of it, but I love it.  I've always worn it underneath another garment like a jumper or cardigan to cover up the obvious reasons why this shirt is not meant for me.  Lately, I've been thinking that it's time to move on.

The reason for this outfit and this post is because I am on the fence about all 3 garments.  Do I hold onto them or do I donate them?  I managed to make a decent outfit utilizing all 3, but all day I felt like I wasn't dressed as my current self.  I was dressed as me 10 years ago.

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