Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Going Blonde for a Minute

As I put this post together, I realized that all of my outfits involve some combination of yellow, blue and white.  I do believe that I have acquired a new color scheme this spring.  While, last year I was exclusively wearing camel, orange, blazers, and oxfords, this year I'm light, springy, nautical, and YELLOW and I love it!

Similar sweater - Urban Outfitters

I don't normally buy things for full price at Urban Outfitters.  I think that while their clothes are on trend, the craftsmanship is questionable and the prices are too high.  I did, however, buy this sweater a few years ago at full price after a couple weeks of full on coveting and I have had no regrets about it.  While I don't wear it terribly often, it is one of the favorite tops in my wardrobe, mostly for the design.  It's relatively long, nautical (of course!), and the deep v-neck is mirrored in the back, making this sweater pretty dang sexy.  I think the reason it doesn't get worn that often is because it's a short sleeved sweater.  Too hot for summer, too cold for winter.  There are literally 2-4 weeks out of the Minnesota year that I can comfortably wear this little gem.

Ah Mother's day!  I can't help myself from dressing up on holidays.  In my head, this is something that everyone does, but in reality, I'm the only one.  Oh well, maybe it was my goal to be the chicest lady at the nursing home.  In fact, that was my goal.  Once, as a fat, acne prone teenager visiting my Grandma in her nursing home, a cute old lady asked me if I was a model.  I was very flattered and have been trying to impress old ladies ever since.  It's actually not that hard.

Similar earrings

This is what I was going for back in April.  I really love this skirt.  It's so classic and flattering and all around wonderful.  If only I had the patience or cared enough to iron all of those pleats.  Alas, ironing is the worst.


I think I was in college when I bought this dress with big plans to alter it into something extraordinary.  I can't quite remember what it looked like then and I know that it sat in an "in-progress" sewing bag for years.  I almost threw it away many times.  After all of that, I think the only thing I changed were the sleeves that were probably long with cuffs.  And you know what?  This dress is and probably always was extraordinary.  The fabric is lightweight and slick, almost like silk, but obviously synthetic.  The print is really subtle and interesting, while the bright red collar is bold and screams 1980s waitress.  The skirt length and button up collar make it modest enough to wear to work, while still being eye-catching.  All in all, I'm glad I didn't toss it in some life cleansing fit, as I tend to do.

Similar earrings - Everyday People

After many months of pinterest plans to get a cute pixie cut and dye it blonde, I finally went through with it.  I'll admit, I was a little scared of how it would turn out.  Will all of my hair fall out?  Will blonde hair make my pinkish complexion appear red?  Will I have more fun?  All valid concerns.
It turns out that I adore it and my biggest problem so far is dealing with all of the attention I'm getting from other people who also adore it.

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