Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Looking back at June

Similar earrings - Savers

These socks match this dress perfectly.  It's like they were meant to be.  Don'tcha just love that?


Loving this skirt this summer.  I discovered over the 4th of July how great it looks with my swimsuit top.  This is very exciting.  I love wearing long flowy skirts with my swimsuit.  It's a thing.


I like this look, but I feel like there's too much going on here.  I probably should have removed something before I left the house.


This drawing is way cuter than this outfit actually was.  I've had this sweater forever and even though it's not terribly flattering on me, I can't get rid of it because it's just too awesome.

Similar earrings

I discovered that wearing a lot of green by my face when I have blonde hair makes my skin look awfully red.  Good to know.

Friday Night
Similar tights

This outfit is pretty great, if you ask me.  I always love to incorporate hats.

Similar sunglasses - Target

There were a few pictures taken of me this day and in all of them, I have this fake smile on my face and my head is cocked just enough to look deranged.  I was definitely experiencing some emotional difficulty, but wasn't my outfit fantastic?

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